
Check your url links still work

31 July 2024

Do you have url links (i.e. links to webpages/resources on the internet) on your course page or in your Leganto reading list? If so, when was the last time you checked they still work?

When a website changes a url link to a page or file, they do not always add a redirect link to the new location the item is now located. Without a redirect, the url link you had saved will no longer work and students will not be able to access the resource.

We recommend you periodically check (once each semester) any url links that you have on your course page and in your Leganto reading list. Also encourage students to let you know if a url link does not work.

In Leganto, seeing “View online” under a reading does not guarantee the url link is working or linked to the correct resource. You will need to click on each url link to check, and then, if necessary, update the url link.

If you have any questions about Leganto, please refer to our how-to guides on our Leganto page or contact Teaching Quality (