
Course delivery approach

As you plan your teaching, a key decision to make is determining the course delivery approach. Delivery options include gamification, flipped classroom, blended learning, hybrid learning and online learning.

An overview of each course delivery approach is provided below. While there are similarities and the terminology is sometimes used interchangeably, they are each distinct learning models. Regardless of the course delivery approach used, the key goal should be to create a learning environment where students feel supported, engaged and involved in their learning journey. This requires careful planning.

Generating teaching presence and student engagement

There are three essential requirements to achieve success in generating teaching presence and student engagement in online learning. These are known as the Three P’s which represent the three presences:

  • Teaching Presence,
  • Social Presence and
  • Cognitive Presence.

To achieve online success for both students and staff in online learning, your course requires all three of these presences. More details about the Three P’s (Garrison, 2006) can be found here.

Quick Tips:

  • Create weekly video clips (2-3 mins) using Panopto to summarise the week’s work and guide students to the required tasks for the week ahead. This would help encourage student engagement and participation.
  • Make more concerted effort to connect with students through effective and engaging open-ended questions within the Discussion Forums. Video and/or audio can be used to introduce students to a Discussion Forum activity.
  • Make sure your Akoraka | Learn course page is easy to navigate and instructive for students. This means setting up a consistent structure for the course that easily guides students to what they are expected to do.  The site should be welcoming (use colour, pictures, video), engaging (students do things on the site) and a place that students feel involved in the course (they have a voice and can easily communicate with the lecturer).
  • Having descriptive labels for content and clear instructions for learning activities are key to making an effective online learning environment.
  • Forums, small videos and quizzes are additional features that can be built into a course to make it more engaging for students.
  • The role you take as the teacher in the online environment makes a big difference to the students learning experience. Make time to regularly post updates and information, encourage participation in learning activities, monitor discussion forums and provide frequent feedback.
  • Put your picture and a short introduction on your Akoraka | Learn course page.  This will help students feel that you are ‘always there’ and involved in their online learning environment.

Here are some useful resources that will help ease your concerns: – Griffith Uni, Australia – Provides a range of short, instructional video clips for academic teaching staff with the goal being to help educators transition to the online medium and to also feel comfortable in doing so.

University of Windsor open page – Educators talking about the tools they use.

Online educator – MOOC from the OU and FutureLearn.

CILT online teaching portal – Provides lots of useful resources for teaching online.

Practical Teaching with Technology MOOC – From the University of London.

Advice for those about to teach online - provided by Tony Bates who is an expert in the field of online learning and distance education.