
Essays, reports and more

There is a range of assessment types at University, each with their own challenges and requirements. Here is advice around how to tackle essays, reports and other common assessment types.

We have information about common assessment types below. Advice and tips around tests and exams is here. 

The resources you find below will help get you started. 

Annotated Bibliography
Literature Reviews
Oral Presentations
Scientific (lab) Reports

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Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography is a list of sources with publication details and a short summary and (usually) an evaluation of the source. Sometimes it appears at the end of an essay or report, but usually it is a separate, stand alone document. Its purpose is to help readers determine the usefulness of a source and to provide researchers with information about the literature related to a topic.

An annotated bibliography helps you to become familiar with the variety of sources on a topic. As you identify the purpose of each source, and its key findings and arguments, you will also be able to identify commonalities and differences amongst sources and critically evaluate sources. This will help you develop your own point of view about a topic.  An annotated bibliography is a very useful first step in writing an essay or research-based report and lays the foundation for future research.

Please note that this is not the same as a bibliography which is an alphabetical list of sources that a writer has used during the research process. A bibliography appears at the end of an essay, report, etc., and includes the full publication details of each source. The main purpose of a bibliography is to help readers find the sources the author has used or referred to.

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An academic essay is essentially an answer to a question.  To answer the question, you need to find appropriate information, consider that information and develop a point of view. In your essay you present your answer using the evidence to support your ideas.

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Literature Review

A literature review is a critical evaluation of research related to a specific issue. It does not simply describe and summarise sources, but brings together ideas and findings, evaluates the sources and uses them to build an argument about the topic.

Detailed information and advice for those working on a literature review for a class assessment is here.

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Oral Presentations

Oral presentations are a common type of assessment at university. We know they can be nerve wracking but being able to present your ideas to a group of people is an important skill at university and in your career. To help build your confidence, we have some tips for you.


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In many courses at Lincoln University, you will be asked to write a report.  There are two common types of reports:

  • Research reports – to report on some experimental or field-based research that has been done (eg scientific paper, field trip report)
  • Analytical reports – to provide information and analysis that will (usually) assist in decision making (eg case study report, property report, submission).

Many of your assessments or course work will include reports, such as a valuation report, a field trip report or planning submission. They are widespread and varied.


Examples of Lincoln University assignments requiring reports:

  • Develop a marketing plan for a product of your choice.
  • Undertake a business planning and financial appraisal for a prospective agribusiness project of your choice.
  • Based on the field trip, give an overview of the planning issues in the metropolitan region of Christchurch.
  • Describe in detail the breeding objectives and a breeding strategy for an animal species of your choice.
  • Develop an integrated “sustainability reporting” and “ems” framework for your place of residence.

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Scientific (lab) reports

Most scientific reports will follow a similar structure.

Lab reports follow a similar structure too but usually won't include: the abstract, references or appendices. Be guided by your lab manual and tutors.

  • Make it clear, concise and factual
  • Include key words.

Summarise your research in fewer than 200 words, preferably fewer than 100, and include:

  • Why you did the research
  • How you did the research
  • The main findings
  • The main conclusions.

Explain to your reader ‘Why’ you did the research. Include:

  • What the problem is and why it is worth studying
  • How the problem fits into the context of previous research
  • What is your purpose, objectives or hypotheses.


This is the ‘How’; describe your procedure in sufficient detail that would allow someone else to replicate the research.

  • Include how the study was designed, eg experimental design
  • Include how it was carried out:
    • The equipment (consider photographs/drawings)
    • The materials, subjects, specimens, samples (take particular care with the names of chemicals, breeds, etc)
    • The method or procedure
  • Include how the data was analysed.

Tell your reader ‘What’ you found:

  • Organise the results to highlight the key findings
    • Present data in visual form (graphs, tables, photographs etc) whenever possible
    • Use text to draw the reader’s attention to key results in the graphs etc
    • Order the results logically by topic or process so that they relate to the objectives or hypotheses
  • Present the results, but do not discuss them
  • Be meticulous with graphs, labels, units etc
    • Give each object a title eg Figure 1: Live sheep exports or Table 3: Soil Composition 
    • Include units of measurement. Each column in a table or axis on a graph needs to state the unit of measurement used
    • Make them big! Tiny images and graphs are hard to follow
  • Use the past tense.

Tell your reader ‘Why’ that matters

  • Point out the significance of the results
  • Highlight the important findings
  • Interpret the findings in relation to the objectives or hypotheses
  • Discuss the implications of your findings, why it matters.
  • Use the appropriate style for your discipline.
  • Include essential data too detailed for the body of the text.
Did I cover everything? 

Download our report checklist to assess your work. 

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