
Leganto - new user interface

Leganto has been upgraded!
The new interface is easier to use and has a simpler way of linking to Akoraka | Learn.
Read on to find more information about the new user interface.

Introducing Leganto

Leganto is a user-friendly course reading and copyright system and it now has a new interface.

Leganto allows you to easily manage your course reading copyrights, as well as link to library resources, include web resources, request short loans and more.

Access it through your Akoraka | Learn course page.

New to Leganto or the new interface? Read our "How to guides" below.
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Leganto is a single user-friendly place to:
  • upload readings: do a quick search and Leganto will auto populate citation details, managing your copyright behind the scenes
  • link to an article/eBook the library subscribes to: Leganto ensures the link will work for students studying from home as well as on-campus
  • link to web resources: Leganto’s browser bookmarklet makes this as easy as Pinterest
  • request short loans: tick a box when you add it to Leganto instead of filling out a separate form
  • engage with students: you and your class can collaboratively annotate uploaded readings.

How to guides - Leganto: the new version

Troubleshooting and FAQs