How students and staff can use the Panopto tool to create videos for their classes.
Panopto is Lincoln’s audio and video content creation and storage platform. Students can use it to record multimedia presentations for assessments or to watch lecture recordings, via laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Staff can use it to create videos for classes.
Panopto content and retention protocols
The length of time a video is stored on the platform before deletion varies with the storage location. The Panopto Content Retention Protocol document helps you decide the correct place for storing videos.
What is Panopto and how do I get it?
Recording with Panopto
Sharing Panopto Videos
Basic Editing in Panopto
Uploading external videos in Panopto
Acceptable Use
We don’t want to limit your creativity in how you use Panopto! Just remember your use of Lincoln’s IT platforms is subject to the Acceptable Use Policy. If you have any questions or concerns about acceptable use of Panopto, please email us and we’ll be happy to help.