
Increase the size of your marking rubric online

29 August 2024

When marking online, there are options to make the marking rubric larger on the screen.

When you mark online via Grade (the Moodle marking platform), use one of these three options to make the marking rubric larger.

1. Use the pop-out window

Above the marking rubric, click on the pop-out button. Click the same button (four arrowheads) on the top right-hand side of the pop-out window to close the pop-out window.

2. Use full screen (collapse the review panel) 

Use the buttons at the bottom right-hand side of the screen to move between a shared screen for the review and grade panel (the default, middle button) and a hidden review panel (left button). 

3. Use two screens

Duplicate the tab you have open in your internet browser. Move one tab to a second screen. Use the buttons shown above to hide the review panel on one screen (left button) and hide the grade panel on the other screen (right button). This allows you to use one screen for viewing and annotating the student submission and the other screen for marking with your rubric.


If you have any questions about marking, please contact Teaching Quality (