
Teaching Shout-Out

Recognise current teaching staff who have had a positive impact on your learning and teaching environment.

Tell us what they have done well or why you appreciate them.

This can come in many forms, including:

  • Delivering engaging class sessions

  • Providing helpful words of advice

  • Providing advice and/or mentoring

  • Supporting you through a difficult time

  • Making you smile when you were feeling blue

  •  Any reason you feel a “teaching” staff member deserves to be thanked

Nominate your Teaching Shout-Out today

Submit a nomination

Teaching Shout-Outs must relate to learning and teaching, nominate a current staff member, and be submitted via the Teaching Shout-Out nomination form

Each month, one Teaching Shout-Out will be selected to be the Teaching Shout-Out of the Month.

Questions? Contact the Manager, Centre for Learning and Teaching, Tracy-Anne De Silva.

Teaching Shout-Out Nominations

Oluwafemi Olajide

Excellent engagement in classes. Provided helpful advice. Made the environment very light when tensed by his witty and advising nature. He needs to be thanked.

Stuart Charters

Stuart Charters is not only a fabulous educator but a leader. He leads the MAC course for Lincoln which has one of the highest postgrad intakes and takes everything in his stride despite how busy he is and the lack of resource available to such an important and high-course demand environment.  I am very proud of the work Stuart undertakes for the university which is helping to put Lincoln on the map.

Faith Jeremiah

Faith works super hard to make sure every lecture/lesson is fun and enjoyable, the way she teaches engages all her students and it helps us retain knowledge and information, she has real world experience unlike many other lecturers and does what she teaches. She is always open for discussion and wants the best for her students, she is easily approachable and is someone us students trust to talk about our assignments with. She gives constructive criticism and also helped me learn a lot. Would recommend her teaching anyone, she is such a professional and made my subject very enjoyable as I learnt heaps.

Gagan Jain, Campbell Kerr and Jill Reader

Orchard team is keeping a low profile! It is great to co-teach with all of you. You work the extra miles without complain! You are transparent, fair and knowledgeable in your delivery. You are helpful and kind towards students and colleagues. You get students ready for industry. And while lot of people think this is the basic requirement, you must be commanded for this. Because you are here for the students - when others are not!

Tim Baird

Was always happy and cheerful in every lecture no matter the time day or weather he kept the same energy every lesson it made the class more enjoyable even if it was 3 hrs. 

Hamish Rennie

We only chatted last yr...he's full of energy, gently steered me making me feel welcome enough to join another Lincoln PG course.