
Teaching observation

Taking a 360 approach to evaluating your teaching includes reaching out to colleagues, participating in a peer review and booking a teaching observation.

Teaching observations are an integral part of the teaching and learning improvement cycle. They are a useful form of feedback for Professional Development & Appraisal discussions. They also help with the Annual Salary Review and Promotions Process which encourages the use of multiple sources of evidence with respect to teaching and facilitation of learning.

The Teaching Enhancement team in Learning and Teaching Excellence is available to carry out teaching observations – please email to discuss. Teaching staff usually request a teaching observation as part of their professional development, in support of an application for promotion or the Excellence in Education Awards, or in direct response to issues raised during other forms of evaluating teaching including student feedback.

As part of the teaching observation, you will meet with a member of the Teaching Enhancement team to discuss any specific aspects you would like observed. You will agree on the class session/s when the teaching observation will take place and discuss feedback after the teaching observation.

All teaching observation notes are confidential to the teaching staff member.