
Learning and Teaching Ambassadors

Meet our 2024 Learning and Teaching Ambassadors and read about their projects.


Faith Jeremiah is a Lecturer in Business Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation) in the Faculty of Agribusiness and Commerce. Faith’s project is “Learning New Ways of Learning with Artificial Intelligence”. Faith will develop resources that will demystify Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it can be used in learning and teaching.


Karine Hendriks is a Senior Tutor in Agriculture in the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Karine's project is “Implementing interactive tools to engage students”. Karine will develop resources that highlight the benefits of interactive tools for teaching and provide guidance on how to use the interactive tools. Karine will also provide assistance to teaching staff to help them implement interactive tools in the classroom and on their Akoraka | Learn course page.



Meike Rombach is a Senior Lecturer in Horticultural Marketing in the Faculty of Agribusiness and Commerce. Meike’s project is “Research related to the scholarship of teaching and learning”. Meike will share knowledge and provide guidance on publishing research related to the scholarship of teaching and learning through 1-1 sessions, workshops, a video and/or podcast series, and written resources.



Nada Toueir is a Senior Lecturer in Landscape Architecture in the Faculty of Environment, Society and Design. Nada’s project is “Using the Lincoln University Arboretum for Plant Identification”. Nada will develop resources that enable the use of the campus Arboretum, a Living Laboratory, as a teaching space where students learn to identify native and exotic plants through plant walks, learn how to maintain and work around plants with hands-on experience, and learn about biodiversity by planting the right species to invite more native birds and invertebrates.



Richard Moreham is a Lecturer in Applied Computing in the Faculty of Environment, Society and Design. Richard’s project is “Video and visuals for teaching computing concepts”. Richard will develop resources and methods for communicating computing concepts via short videos, animated videos or animated gifs, and will explore tools and practical guidelines for students to submit assessments via video.  He will also develop a series of videos on basic computing and MS Office tasks for both Windows and Mac users.