Getting your ID Card

Information about your Lincoln University ID card and how to get it.

Your Lincoln University ID Card identifies you as a student or staff member and provides access to many on campus services including Library borrowing, printing and photocopying, and grants after hours access to computer labs.

Getting your ID card
On campus students:
  • You will receive an email after completing the enrollment process. Your LUCAS checklist must be complete before this will be sent.
  • Bring a copy of this email and one physical form of photo ID to the Library Enquiries desk on the ground floor and we will take your photo and issue your card. Please note: We are not able to accept a photograph on your phone, a screenshot or scanned copy of your photo ID.
  • Your student ID card is valid for four (4) years and can only be used while you are a registered student at Lincoln University.
Online students:

There is no need for online students to have an ID card, as most student discounts are provided by a separate LUSA digital StudentCard. 

However, if you wish you can apply for a Lincoln University ID Card. After you have completed your LUCAS enrolment, send an email from your Lincoln email account (as this confirms your enrolment) to Include the information below:

  • Full name - as written on your passport or driver’s license
  • Student ID number
  • Current postal address (for receiving the ID card)
  • A reasonable quality head and shoulders digital photo with a white/cream background
  • Keep an eye on your email address - if there are any issues we will contact you via this.  Please note: ID cards are sent by standard, untracked post which can take up to 2 weeks.

Staff members will receive confirmation from Human Resources that they are now a staff member. Your department or faculty administrator needs to confirm this to us and we will issue your card. It is valid for five (5) years and may only be used while you are a registered staff member at Lincoln University.

Take care of your card

If you lose it, let us know immediately so we cancel access for that card. You are responsible for all uses of your card until it has been reported lost or stolen. A replacement card costs $20.00, regardless of the reason for replacement. However, staff and students can get a free replacement card after two years if needed due to wear and tear.

Terms and Conditions:
  • Your photograph will be taken for your ID card. It will be stored as a digital image on a secure server.
  • This photograph may be used by University staff, the Lincoln University Students’ Association, and other authorised agencies within the course of their duties, for identification purposes.
  • Staff photographs will be used for photo identification within University websites and email profiles. 
  • The card always remains the property of Lincoln University and must be surrendered on request from an authorised person.
  • Your ID card may only be used while you are a registered student or staff member at Lincoln University.
Public Transport 

There is no longer a Tertiary Student Concession for public transport.

In the Greater Christchurch area bus fares for anyone aged 5yrs – 24yrs, or with a Community Service Card are $1. Bus fares for anyone aged 25 and over are $2. Children under 5yrs are free). A cap of $16 per week (Monday – Sunday) will remain in place.

  • The nearest location to obtain Metrocards is at the Lincoln Library and Service Centre (22 Gerald Street, Lincoln) which is a 1km walk from Lincoln Uni.
  • A cost of $5 will apply to obtain a new Metrocard.
  • Photo ID is required for a new Metrocard to be issued.

Please note:

  • Lincoln University is not able to issue Auckland Transport (AT) stickers due to their policies. Please contact AT with queries.
  • Lincoln University is not an approved tertiary institution for Metlink (Wellington).