Borrowing and interloans
Current Lincoln University staff and students can borrow from our collections and request an interloan using their ID card.
The following services are available to all library members.
- Borrowing – All members can borrow books, serials and audio-visual material. Loan periods vary, depending on the item to be borrowed. You will receive a loan receipt letter emailed to your Lincoln University email with a record of the items borrowed and their due dates.
- Item requests – All members can place a request for an item that is currently on loan using LibrarySearch. Any item on loan may be recalled if it is required urgently for any reason.
- Date due reminders – You will receive an email reminder from LTL to your Lincoln University email, unless we have another preferred email.
- Library cards – University ID cards double as your library card and are issued by the library.
Staff and postgraduates may request items from other libraries via the interloans service.
Members are also eligible to register for the ULANZ borrowing scheme (an on-site borrowing scheme) for participating New Zealand and Australian university libraries.
Material Type | Loan Period | Number of Renewals |
Books | 28 days | 2 renewals |
DVDs and CD-ROMS | 28 days | 2 renewals |
Posters | 7 days | 2 renewals |
Serials | 7 days | 2 renewals |
24 Hour Short Loan | 24 hours | No renewals |
2 Hour Short Loan | 2 hours | No renewals |
- Borrowed items must be returned or renewed by the due date.
- Items requested are recalled and need to be returned promptly.
Staff and Postgraduate students
- Books are issued for 60 days.
- May apply at Library Enquiries for an extended loan period if they require the material for a special project. Extended loans will only be granted if no other university member requires the item.
- Items can be recalled (ie have their loan period reduced) if required by another user.
- If a recalled item is overdue, the fine is $4.00 a day.
- You cannot renew an item if another borrower has requested it.
- Short Loan items can NOT be renewed
Renewing an item:
- Online using “My Account” on LibrarySearch
- At Library Enquiries
- By emailing
- Or phoning 03 423 0320
For more detailed information see page 4 of the Library Rules and Regulations.
Lost or damaged items
There are significant charges for items lost, damaged or destroyed. These are listed on page 5 of the Library Rules and Regulations.
Fines are calculated once an overdue item is returned. However, there are plenty of tools to help you avoid these charges and manage your loans.
Fines for Overdue Items
- 10 cents per minute for 2 hour Short Loan and some equipment.
- $1 per hour for 24 hour Short Loan.
- $4 per day for recalled items not returned within 2 days of the recall notice being sent.
Avoid Fines by
- Returning your items by the due dates.
- Renewing your items before the due dates. You can do this yourself through My Account.
- Checking your Lincoln University email for recall and change of due date messages.
Paying Fines
On campus:
Library staff can accept EFTPOS / debit / credit card payments at Library Enquiries.
All payments by cash (ie notes and coins) must be made at the University Finance Cashier in the Forbes building. If you make a Learning, Teaching and Library related payment at the Cashier, you need to bring the receipt to Library Enquiries to prove payment before we will remove the fine amount from your record.
Off campus:
Email to arrange alternative payment arrangements.
If payment is not made within 1 month of the imposition of a fine, you may be invoiced for the full amount of all outstanding fines, which shall include an administrative charge of $5.00.
Any student enrolled in a Lincoln University regional education course or online learning course or any postgraduate research student studying offshore can use the Library Distance Service.
You can find resources using LibrarySearch or our databases. If you are unable to find what you need, you can request a loan or photocopy using the forms below.
Loaning Items
Books, multimedia and serials (excluding theses) may be borrowed by all Lincoln University, New Zealand resident, distance students located outside the Canterbury area (exceptions at Librarian’s discretion). The standard loan periods apply, which includes delivery time but not return time. Books will be sent to you by mail, photocopies will be scanned and sent by email.
To request a loan item please complete the Request a loan form.
Returning items
To return items by mail, turn the courier bag inside out and use the FreePost address label enclosed with the item. You should also include the date you post the item back.
Fines will be charged for overdue items but the postal date will help us assess how long it has been in the post.
There is no charge for the distance loan service – apart from any overdue fines you might incur!
You can renew items on loan to you if no one else has requested to borrow the item. You can renew loans yourself by logging in to My Details and following the on screen instructions, or you can ask us to help you.
Within the provisions of the Copyright Act 1994, you can request photocopies of serial articles or any one chapter from a book, held by the Library.
Most articles are sent electronically at no charge. Paper copies are sent by FastPost at a cost of 20 cents per page. We will send you notification of the amount owing with the photocopies.
To request a photocopy please complete the Request a photocopy form.
Staff and postgraduates may request items from other libraries via the Also known as interlibrary loan. The library can borrow a book or article on your behalf from another library.
There are two ways to request an Interloan:
Via LibrarySearch
- Look in LibrarySearch for the item that you want to confirm that the item is not already in our collection.
- If you do not find what you are looking for, select the Include items with no full text… under Tweak my results.
- If you find a matching record, select the title.
- On that page, find and select Place an interloan request.
- Your request details will automatically populate the request form.
- Fill in Requester Information.
- Ensure all information is accurate, then click Submit.
Using the request form
- Fill in the interloan request form. Include as many details about the item as you can to make sure we find the correct one for you.
Please note that interloan requests may have a charge and can take up to several weeks to arrive depending on the availability of copies at other libraries. If you require an urgent request, select “Urgent: I will pay $20” and usually arrives in 2 working days.
Are there charges?
New Zealand and Australia | No charge |
International | $20 per request |
Urgent (NZ only) | $20 per request |
Note: Overdue items can incur replacement costs and processing fees, these are invoiced by the lending library
How long do interloans take to arrive?
Standard physical interloans found within:
New Zealand | 10 working days |
Australia | 3-4 weeks |
International | 4-6 weeks |
Article and chapter scans generally arrive sooner than physical loans.
Where do I pick up my interloan?
Interloans can be picked up from Library Enquiries on the ground floor of the library.
How do I renew my interloan?
To renew your interloan, please email at least 48 hours before the due date.
Where do I return my interloan?
Please return your interloan to Library Enquiries on the ground floor of the library.
The Short Loan collection:
- Located by Library Enquiries and contains items that are in high demand.
- These are available for short-term borrowing to ensure that all users have a chance to read them.
- Short loan periods (please note fines apply for overdue items):
- 2 hours – in Library use only, cannot leave the building.
- 24 hours – can be taken out of the Library overnight.
- Find out about using short loan in your teaching.
Use these forms to request the items that you need
Complete this form if you are a distance student and would like to request the loan of an item.
{{ 'Request a loan' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Request a loan' | last-word }} -
Complete this form if you are a distance student and would like to request a photocopy of an item.
{{ 'Request a photocopy' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Request a photocopy' | last-word }} -
Complete this form if you would like to request an item from another library.
{{ 'Request an interloan' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Request an interloan' | last-word }}