
PASS - Peer Assisted Study Sessions

PASS is Peer Assisted Study Sessions which give first year students the opportunity to study course material together. These sessions are facilitated by a student who did well in the course the previous year.

PASS sessions are a fantastic tool to help you achieve your educational goals. They are attached to core first year courses and are informal group study revision sessions provided for undergraduate students at Lincoln University. Sessions are facilitated by senior undergraduate students who know the course material and know what it takes to do well in that course. You get the chance to pick their brains and share your thoughts outside the formality of the lecture theatre.

PASS sessions offered in Semester 1 are:

  • BIOS110
  • BMGT116
  • COMM112
  • LWST114
  • PHSC101
  • SOCI116

PASS sessions offered in Semester 2 are:

  • SOSC106
  • PLSC104

PASS gives you the chance to:

  • Discuss and share ideas and concepts in an informal space with your classmates. PASS helps you think about both what to learn and how to learn it effectively. You do this by working through ideas and concepts together in a cooperative environment. This will open you up to different ways of thinking and new perspectives. It also helps develop your understanding of the subject and enables you to pick up new ways to study and motivates you to achieve.
  • Meet other students and have fun while studying. These will be your classmates for the next 3-4 years and potential contacts in your working life. PASS helps you to support each other now while you are studying, but also to build professional networks for your future career.
  • Achieve better grades. At Lincoln University, results consistently show that students who attend PASS regularly get better results on average than those who do not attend. 
  • Arrive at answers for yourself. During PASS sessions, senior student leaders facilitate fun and interactive pair, group and whole class activities. They support you to work together to reinforce key concepts and develop effective study strategies. Let’s be clear, they do not re-teach class material, it’s not like you are attending the same lecture twice. They facilitate a better understanding of the subject and encourage you to arrive at answers for yourself. You will deepen your knowledge of your course content as you learn from and with each other.
  • Be proactive, gain confidence and feel in control of your learning. We want to help you to make the most of all opportunities that are open to you throughout your time at university. These sessions will not only help you grow academically but also in confidence and as a person.
So how do I attend PASS?

Check out your Akoraka | Learn course page for information about PASS sessions in your course. If there is a link to PASS down the right-hand side of the Akoraka | Learn page, PASS is offered for that course. PASS sessions start in Week 2 each semester.