Appointments and Drop-ins
Do you need some individual advice or personalised feedback? Book an appointment with our advisors to get advice on learning, careers, inclusive education or teaching.
You can receive individual advice and personalised feedback via appointments, drop-ins or pop-ins.
Drop in for quick face-to-face questions. Hear what LU students say about the value of our drop-ins. Check our Drop in times.
Appointments are free and offered both face-to-face and online. Click on your area of interest below to book an appointment.
Learning Advisor appointments
Database searching and copyright
{{ 'Advice on how to search library databases for the information you need and copyright advice for publication and thesis.' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Advice on how to search library databases for the information you need and copyright advice for publication and thesis.' | last-word }}
Assessments and theses
{{ 'Advice for all types of assessment and academic writing, including doctoral theses. ' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Advice for all types of assessment and academic writing, including doctoral theses. ' | last-word }}
Referencing, EndNote, Database searching
{{ 'Advice on referencing, EndNote software, searching library databases, also,copyright and Word formatting tips.' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Advice on referencing, EndNote software, searching library databases, also,copyright and Word formatting tips.' | last-word }}
Maths, statistics and research design
{{ 'Advice on maths, statistics and statistical methods, and advice on research design so you collect the correct statistics to answer your questions.' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Advice on maths, statistics and statistical methods, and advice on research design so you collect the correct statistics to answer your questions.' | last-word }}
Other LTL Advisors
Career Centre
{{ 'Advice on career and study decision making, career planning, labour market information, job searching, networking, CVs and cover letters, LinkedIn.' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Advice on career and study decision making, career planning, labour market information, job searching, networking, CVs and cover letters, LinkedIn.' | last-word }}
Inclusive education
{{ 'Advice on support with disability, illness, or injury, whether this is short term or long term.' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Advice on support with disability, illness, or injury, whether this is short term or long term.' | last-word }}
{{ 'Advice on any aspect of your teaching. ' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Advice on any aspect of your teaching. ' | last-word }}