
Check Gradebook is correctly setup

16 October 2024

A correctly set up Gradebook means accurate marks can be shared, and the correct proportion of the final mark is calculated for each item of assessment.

Here are some key things to check to ensure students can see their Grades correctly:

  • Every item of assessment is included in Gradebook
  • Every item of assessment has the correct weighting
  • Any ungraded items have a zero weighting
  • Any old assessment items (e.g. Final Exam 2023) have zero weighting 
  • Any old assessment items are hidden and moved to the "Hidden" category or deleted from the course page
  • The weighting of items in categories is the same as the category total
  • The category weight and category total are the same 
  • The course total of all weightings is equal to 100 (note that Gradebook will show the course total as 100 marks by default - you need to add the weightings of all items to check they equal 100)


Refer to the Gradebook section on Ākona te Akoraka | Learn about Learn for comprehensive resources on setting up and using Gradebook, including an easy-to-use checklist and step-by-step instructions to assist you in meeting the University's requirements.


If you need further help with checking your Gradebook, please contact Teaching Quality ( Please note that Teaching Quality undertakes spot checks of Gradebook and corrects weights that differ from the Course Outline Assessment table. We will notify you if there is anything we need to check with you.